
The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

    The Collect of the Day

    Proper 8

    The Sunday closest to June 29

    Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.



    Confitemini DominoBCP p. 760

    1Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; *his mercy endures for ever.

    2Let Israel now proclaim, *“His mercy endures for ever.”

    3Let the house of Aaron now proclaim, *“His mercy endures for ever.”

    4Let those who fear the Lord now proclaim, *“His mercy endures for ever.”

    5I called to the Lord in my distress; *the Lord answered by setting me free.

    6The Lord is at my side, therefore I will not fear; *what can anyone do to me?

    7The Lord is at my side to help me; *I will triumph over those who hate me.

    8It is better to rely on the Lord *than to put any trust in flesh.

    9It is better to rely on the Lord *than to put any trust in rulers.

    10All the ungodly encompass me; *in the Name of the Lord I will repel them.

    11They hem me in, they hem me in on every side; *in the name of the Lord I will repel them.

    12They swarm about me like bees; they blaze like a fire of thorns; *in the name of the Lord I will repel them.

    13I was pressed so hard that I almost fell, *but the Lord came to my help.

    14The Lord is my strength and my song, *and he has become my salvation.

    15There is a sound of exultation and victory *in the tents of the righteous:

    16“The right hand of the Lord has triumphed! *the right hand of the Lord is exalted! the right hand of the Lord has triumphed!”

    17I shall not die, but live, *and declare the works of the Lord.

    18The Lord has punished me sorely, *but he did not hand me over to death.

    19Open for me the gates of righteousness; *I will enter them; I will offer thanks to the Lord.

    20“This is the gate of the Lord; *he who is righteous may enter.”

    21I will give thanks to you, for you answered me *and have become my salvation.

    22The same stone which the builders rejected *has become the chief cornerstone.

    23This is the Lord’s doing, *and it is marvelous in our eyes.

    24On this day the Lord has acted; *we will rejoice and be glad in it.

    25Hosanna, Lord, hosanna! *Lord, send us now success.

    26Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; *we bless you from the house of the Lord.

    27God is the Lord; he has shined upon us; *form a procession with branches up to the horns of the altar.

    28“You are my God, and I will thank you; *you are my God, and I will exalt you.”

    29Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; *his mercy endures for ever.

    Daily Office Readings




    Rom. 4:13-25

    13 For the promise that he would inherit the world did not come to Abraham or to his descendants through the law but through the righteousness of faith. 14 If it is the adherents of the law who are to be the heirs, faith is null and the promise is void. 15 For the law brings wrath; but where there is no law, neither is there violation. 16 For this reason it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his descendants, not only to the adherents of the law but also to those who share the faith of Abraham (for he is the father of all of us, 17 as it is written, “I have made you the father of many nations”) —in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist. 18 Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become “the father of many nations,” according to what was said, “So numerous shall your descendants be.” 19 He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was already as good as dead (for he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. 20 No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21 being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. 22 Therefore his faith “was reckoned to him as righteousness.” 23 Now the words, “it was reckoned to him,” were written not for his sake alone, 24 but for ours also. It will be reckoned to us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, 25 who was handed over to death for our trespasses and was raised for our justification.

    Matt. 21:23-32

    23 When he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?” 24 Jesus said to them, “I will also ask you one question; if you tell me the answer, then I will also tell you by what authority I do these things. 25 Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?” And they argued with one another, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will say to us, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’ 26 But if we say, ‘Of human origin,’ we are afraid of the crowd; for all regard John as a prophet.” 27 So they answered Jesus, “We do not know.” And he said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things. 28 “What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ 29 He answered, ‘I will not’; but later he changed his mind and went. 30 The father went to the second and said the same; and he answered, ‘I go, sir’; but he did not go. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father?” They said, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him; and even after you saw it, you did not change your minds and believe him.

    1 Samuel 10:1-16

    1 Samuel took a vial of oil and poured it on his head, and kissed him; he said, “The Lord has anointed you ruler over his people Israel. You shall reign over the people of the Lord and you will save them from the hand of their enemies all around. Now this shall be the sign to you that the Lord has anointed you ruler over his heritage: 2 When you depart from me today you will meet two men by Rachel’s tomb in the territory of Benjamin at Zelzah; they will say to you, ‘The donkeys that you went to seek are found, and now your father has stopped worrying about them and is worrying about you, saying: What shall I do about my son?’ 3 Then you shall go on from there further and come to the oak of Tabor; three men going up to God at Bethel will meet you there, one carrying three kids, another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a skin of wine. 4 They will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you shall accept from them. 5 After that you shall come to Gibeath-elohim, at the place where the Philistine garrison is; there, as you come to the town, you will meet a band of prophets coming down from the shrine with harp, tambourine, flute, and lyre playing in front of them; they will be in a prophetic frenzy. 6 Then the spirit of the Lord will possess you, and you will be in a prophetic frenzy along with them and be turned into a different person. 7 Now when these signs meet you, do whatever you see fit to do, for God is with you. 8 And you shall go down to Gilgal ahead of me; then I will come down to you to present burnt offerings and offer sacrifices of well-being. Seven days you shall wait, until I come to you and show you what you shall do.” 9 As he turned away to leave Samuel, God gave him another heart; and all these signs were fulfilled that day. 10 When they were going from there to Gibeah, a band of prophets met him; and the spirit of God possessed him, and he fell into a prophetic frenzy along with them. 11 When all who knew him before saw how he prophesied with the prophets, the people said to one another, “What has come over the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?” 12 A man of the place answered, “And who is their father?” Therefore it became a proverb, “Is Saul also among the prophets?” 13 When his prophetic frenzy had ended, he went home. 14 Saul’s uncle said to him and to the boy, “Where did you go?” And he replied, “To seek the donkeys; and when we saw they were not to be found, we went to Samuel.” 15 Saul’s uncle said, “Tell me what Samuel said to you.” 16 Saul said to his uncle, “He told us that the donkeys had been found.” But about the matter of the kingship, of which Samuel had spoken, he did not tell him anything.