T24The day thou gavest, Lord, is endedst. clementWords: John Ellerton, 1826-1893Music: Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1839-19049.8.9.8HymnsEvening
25O gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christthe eighth tuneWords: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984Music: Thomas Tallis, 1505?-15858.8.8.8HymnsEvening
26O gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christconditor alme siderumWords: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984Music: Bruce Neswick, b. 19568.8.8.8HymnsEvening
27O blest Creator, source of lightlucis creator optimeWords: Anne K. LeCroy, b. 1930Music: David Dahl, b. 19378.8.8.8HymnsEvening
28O blest Creator, source of lightbromley (haydn)Words: Anne K. LeCroy, b. 1930Music: Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732-18098.8.8.8HymnsEvening
T29O Trinity of blessed lightbromley (haydn)Words: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866; Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; John Chandler, 1806-1876Music: Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732-18098.8.8.8HymnsEvening
T30O Trinity of blessed lighto lux beata trinitasWords: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866; Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; John Chandler, 1806-1876Music: Alec Wyton, b. 19218.8.8.8HymnsEvening
31Most Holy God, the Lord of heavendunedinWords: Anne K. LeCroy, b. 1930Music: Vernon Griffiths, b. 18948.8.8.8HymnsEvening
32Most Holy God, the Lord of heavenimmense caeli conditorWords: Anne K. LeCroy, b. 1930Music: Roy Kehl, b. 19358.8.8.8HymnsEvening
33Christ, Mighty Savior, Light of all creationchriste, lux mundiWords: Alan G. McDougall, 1895-1964; Anne K. LeCroy, b. 1930Music: Ricahrd Proulx, b. 193711.11.11.5HymnsEvening
34Christ, Mighty Savior, Light of all creationinnisfree farmWords: Alan G. McDougall, 1895-1964; Anne K. LeCroy, b. 1930Music: Richard Wayne Dirksen, b. 192111.11.11.5HymnsEvening
35Christ, Mighty Savior, Light of all creationmighty saviorWords: Alan G. Mc Dougall, 1895-1964; Anne K. LeCroy, b. 1930Music: David Hurd, b. 195011.11.11.5HymnsEvening
T36O gladsome Light, O grace of God the Father’s facele cantique de siméonWords: Robert Seymour Bridges, 1844-1930Music: Louis Bourgeois, 1510?-1561?; Claude Goudimel, 1514-15726.
T37O brightness of the immortal Father’s faceevening hymn (near)Words: Edward W. Eddis, 1825-1905Music: Gerald Near, b. 194210.6.10.6HymnsEvening